Pinocchio (1940)
Pinocchio is a 1940 American animated film produced by Walt Disney and based on the story The Adventures of Pinocchio by Carlo Collodi...
Plot: Jiminy Cricket walks into the workshop of the woodworker Mister Geppetto to warm himself from the cold, and watches as Geppetto finishes work on a puppet he names Pinocchio. Before falling asleep, Geppetto makes a wish on a falling star that Pinocchio could be a real boy. During the night, the Blue Fairy visits the workshop to grant Geppetto's wish and brings Pinocchio to life, though he is still a puppet. The fairy tells Pinocchio that if he wants to become a real boy of flesh and blood he must prove himself to be brave, truthful and unselfish and able to tell right from wrong by listening to his conscience. Pinocchio doesn't understand what a conscience is, and Jiminy appears to explain it to him. The Blue Fairy asks if Jiminy would serve as Pinocchio's conscience, a task he accepts...
Watch online Pinocchio (1940) part 1
Watch online Pinocchio (1940) part 2
Watch online Pinocchio (1940) part 3
Watch online Pinocchio (1940) part 4
Watch online Pinocchio (1940) part 5
Watch online Pinocchio (1940) part 6
Watch online Pinocchio (1940) part 7
Watch online Pinocchio (1940) part 8
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